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Links for the Grayling Viking Band Instrumentalists
Charms Office: fund raising account, handout storage, student information, e-mail program for group band messages.
Our school code is: graylingvikingbands
Student code is set by student. Check lunch number first.
Create a Log In for FOR ALL RUBRICS:
Cool Stuff For My Kids
Note Name Drill
Fingering Trainer
Music Companies
Dennis Ormsbee, Representative
Grayling Middle School, Tuesday, 6:15 - 6:30 am
Grayling High School, Thursday, 6:15 - 6:30 am
JW Pepper - a place to listen to music for band
Stanton's Sheet Music - a place to listen to band music
Band Camps
Pacing Guides (constantly under upgrade). Our school is working on a standardized format. Until then, here is what we have to offer:
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