Grayling Elementary Schools offers Fifth Grade Band for all students.
Classes meet for 30 minutes, twice per week. Students have band with fifth grade classroom.
First class meetings agenda
1: Introduction, class organization, guidelines for success in class
2: Demonstration of Instruments: flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone
3: All students try the FLUTE
4: All students try the CLARINET
5: All students try the TRUMPET
6: All students try the TROMBONE
7: All students try their top choices
8: Instrument Fitting Day:
Instrument Selection Process: Wednesday, September 28; Thursday, September 29; Friday, September 30
Student, with the assistance of parents(s)/guardian(s), selects an instrument for music study.
A representative from Marshall Music will fit the students for their band instruments.
Students Tryout the instruments for band: flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone.
9: Care of the Instrument; Assembly of Instrument, Case
10: Continue Day 9
11: Issue instruments, students review how to open case, assemble instrument
12: Continue Day 9
13: Make the proper sound on the head joint or mouthpiece of the instrument.
14: Review Day 13, check individuals
15: Assemble instrument, learn first note (concert D)
A Spring Concert is provided for the fan club of the Fifth Grade Band. The concert is usually held the first Wednesday or Thursday of May, depending on your student classroom assignment.